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Sonst. PersonenSharma, Ramesh C. (Hrsg.)
TitelInnovative applications of online pedagogy and course design.
QuelleHershey, PA: Information Science Reference (2018), XXX, 451 S.Verfügbarkeit 
ReiheAdvances in educational technologies and instructional design (AETID) book series
Dokumenttypgedruckt; Monographie
ISBN9781522554660; 9781522554677 (E-Book)
SchlagwörterComputer-assisted instruction; Web-based instruction; Internet in education; Bildungstheorie; Bildungspraxis
AbstractTutors' perspectives on online facilitation of ESL courses in distance education / Li Hsien Ooi, Lay Huah Goh, Arathai Din Eak, Ong Cheng Teik -- Student and instructors perceptions of helpful feedback for asynchronous online learning : what students want from instructor feedback / Susan Conrad, Nada Dabbagh -- Using Web 2.0 tools to engage content, promote self-efficacy, and implications for intentional student learning / Paul Parkison, Jeff Thomas -- Toward understanding : an interpretive analysis of critical issues across the social sciences and humanities / Rebecca Hughes, Karyn Cooper, Aliyah Shamji -- Creating a global and innovative higher education environment : a case study / Anabela Mesquita, Paula Peres -- Collaboration driven management education / Owen Hall, Jr., Ken Ko -- Emergent technologies shaping instructional design / Pascal Roubides -- Fostering EFL learners' reading comprehension through a web-based cumulative sentence analysis (CSA) system / Yea-Ru Tsai -- Affect in online learning : outcomes, emotions and affective states / Wendy Fasso, Bruce Knight. "This book serves as a forum for the improvement of online education for schools and teachers planning to implement, or currently engaged in, e-learning. Focusing on online schooling and curriculum preparation, this book provides effective Web-based teaching methods for teachers and educators. It presents critical viewpoints for academic professionals in the development of online learning"--Provided by publisher.
Erfasst vonLibrary of Congress, Washington, DC
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