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Autor/inn/enAndrews, Hans A.; Erwin, John S.
TitelRecognition for Outstanding Teachers: A National Study
QuelleIn: Community College Journal, 74 (2003) 2, S.36-39 (4 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Zeitschriftenaufsatz
SchlagwörterCommunity Colleges; Rewards; Professional Recognition; Excellence in Education; Teacher Effectiveness; Instructional Improvement; College Faculty; Teacher Motivation
AbstractRecognition for outstanding faculty should be an ongoing facet of every community college's program to improve instruction. This is still far from the case, however, in a significant number of colleges across the country. The authors conducted a national study of recognition programs for teachers in American community colleges. Chief instructional administrators in 934 community colleges within the American Association of Community College (AACC) membership were surveyed. A total of 633 responses were received for a 67.8% return. Fifty-five percent of administrators reported having recognition programs. Only 19% had similar programs for their part-time faculty. The overriding majority of colleges having faculty recognition programs reported their programs to be successful and accepted by their faculty. A range of rewards were identified and are reported in this article. (ERIC).
AnmerkungenAmerican Association of Community Colleges. One Dupont Circle NW Suite 410, Washington, DC 20036. Tel: 202-728-0200; Fax: 202-833-2467; Web site:
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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