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Autor/inn/enZelazek, John R.; Williams, Wayne W.; McAdams, Charles; Palmer, Kyle
InstitutionCentral Missouri State Univ., Warrensburg.
TitelTeacher Education Follow-up Study, 1997. As Compiled by the Teacher Education Assessment Committee (TEAC).
Quelle(1997), (37 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterAdministrator Attitudes; Career Choice; Elementary Secondary Education; Followup Studies; Higher Education; Job Satisfaction; Outcomes of Education; Preservice Teacher Education; Principals; Teacher Attitudes; Teacher Education Programs; Teaching (Occupation)
AbstractThis report represents the eighth Follow-up Study by the Teacher Education Assessment Committee (TEAC) at Central Missouri State University (Missouri). TEAC is a centralized system of data collection and assessment that conducts and publishes results of periodic assessments and evaluations of Central's teacher education programs by soliciting input from education faculty, preservice teachers, program graduates, and principals of educators prepared at Central. The data reveal that 62 percent of Central's previous year's graduating class secured full-time teaching positions within Missouri. Central graduates (first and second year teachers) were employed in 179 of the state's 525 school districts. Students were predominantly white females. Most students rated non-western philosophies and cultures as their weakest academic areas. The average salary for first and second year teachers graduating from Central was $22,315. Most of the respondents were full-time classroom teachers holding positions at their preferred teaching level. Nearly all of the respondents planned to be teaching 5 or more years from now. Teachers' three top areas of dissatisfaction in their current positions were level of support from parents and community, salary/fringe benefits of teaching, and methods used to evaluate their teaching performance. Over 80 percent of the principals hiring Central graduates felt the teachers were strongly prepared for their current positions. The survey instruments are appended. (SM)
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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