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Sonst. PersonenKeyser, John S. (Hrsg.); Floyd, Deborah L. (Hrsg.)
InstitutionAmerican Coll. Testing Program, Iowa City, IA.
TitelToward Mastery Leadership in Access, Assessment, and Developmental Education: Summary Report of a Colloquium Held in Traverse City, Michigan, July, 1986.
Quelle(1987), (54 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterStellungnahme; Access to Education; College Role; Community Colleges; Developmental Studies Programs; Educational Diagnosis; Educational Quality; Educational Testing; Remedial Programs; School Holding Power; Student Evaluation; Testing Programs; Two Year Colleges; Urban Education
AbstractIn July 1986, a colloquium was convened to develop a position paper on access, assessment, and developmental education. This colloquium report contains the keynote speeches presented at the event, along with a statement developed by the participants regarding the issues. First, introductory material describes the purposes, sponsorship, and group processes of the colloquium. Next, the following speeches are presented: (1) "Are We Ready for the Future?" by R. Stephen Nicholson, which places access, assessment, and developmental education within a broad environmental context, and raises questions about the two-year college educators' readiness to deal with contemporary high risk populations; (2) "Access and Excellence: The Articulation Challenge among Urban High Schools, Community Colleges, and Four-Year Institutions," by Nolen M. Ellison and Janet D. Smith, which calls for an equity-based educational model built on the four dimensions of access, process, achievement, and transfer; (3) "Status of Testing Practices at Two-Year Postsecondary Institutions: Trends and Issues Affecting Minority Participation," by Jacqueline E. Woods and Ronald A. Williams, which summarizes the results and implications of a 1986 survey on testing practices in two-year colleges; and (4) "A Silver Anniversary Special: The Anatomy of Excellence in the Community College," by John E. Roueche, Suanne D. Roueche, and George A. Baker, which reviews the accomplishments and failures of the community college movement. Finally, the position paper, "Critical Issues in the Community College: Access, Assessment, and Developmental Education," is presented. (EJV)
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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