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Autor/inn/enHigh, R. M.; Achilles, C. M.
TitelPrincipal Influence in Instructionally Effective Schools.
Quelle(1986), (31 Seiten)Verfügbarkeit 
Dokumenttypgedruckt; Monographie
SchlagwörterAdministrator Attitudes; Administrator Role; Elementary Education; Leadership; Leadership Qualities; Principals; School Effectiveness; Teacher Attitudes
AbstractNine elementary and middle schools participating in Project SHAL, a large-scale school effectiveness project in St. Louis, Missouri, served as the sample for a study of how principals derive their influence and power. Three of the schools were identified as "high-achieving," and six were identified as "other" (none of the schools could legitimately be classified as low-achieving). From the literature as well as the French and Raven (1959) classification, seven bases of power were identified that principals can manipulate to exert leadership for instructional effectiveness: legitimate authority, expertise, behavior modeling, ability to involve teachers and administrators in all school activities, power of coercion, interpersonal skills, and power to reward. Principals and teachers in the sample schools completed questionnaires, trained researchers observed the principals and conducted interviews, and district testing program results were reviewed. Validity, reliability, and interrater consistency measures indicated the data were acceptable. Several statistical measures were used to rank the use and the potential influence of leadership behaviors as perceived by various subgroups of respondents. The findings indicated that principals in high achieving schools used more of all the behaviors than those in other schools, and they more effectively emphasized behaviors that all respondents perceived as influential. (PGD)
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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