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Autor/inn/enHalpern, Andrew S.; Byrne, Andrew R.
InstitutionOregon State Dept. of Education, Salem.
TitelToward Excellence in Secondary Special Education: A Plan for Statewide Initiatives in Oregon. Management Issues and Guidelines.
Quelle(1985), (87 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterLeitfaden; Curriculum Development; Disabilities; Documentation; Educational Development; Faculty Development; Institutional Cooperation; Management Systems; Program Development; Secondary Education; Secondary School Curriculum; Special Education; State Standards; Statewide Planning; Teacher Certification; Transitional Programs; Oregon
AbstractManagement issues, guidelines, policies, and procedures for implementing a statewide plan in Oregon for improving secondary school special education and transition programs for students with mild or severe disabilities are described. An overview is given of the development of the plan, including discussion of: background events; general underlying assumptions; role of the steering committee; role of the working groups; program evaluation and plan modification; public relations activities; and resource allocation and management. Individual sections focus on each of the working groups (curriculum, coordination, transition, documentation, and certification/training). The first part of each of these sections presents an overview of all the specific objectives, tasks, and activities that have been developed thus far. The second part of each section contains an outline for developing specific contracts to implement some of the plan's tasks and activities over a 17-month period (beginning in January 1986). The outline will be used for identifying funding sources and generating specific requests for proposals for contractors to do the work. The third part of each section presents the remaining tasks and activities that were adopted by the working groups but have not yet been structured as potential contracts. Such structuring will occur after the outcomes of initial efforts have been accomplished and evaluated. (CB)
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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