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Autor/inn/enMorgan, David R.; und weitere
InstitutionOklahoma Univ., Norman. Bureau of Government Research.
TitelDesegregating Public Schools: A Handbook for Local Officials.
Quelle(1982), (185 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterBoard of Education Role; Busing; Community Attitudes; Community Involvement; Community Role; Court Litigation; Desegregation Effects; Desegregation Methods; Elementary Secondary Education; Magnet Schools; Public Policy; School Desegregation; State Legislation; Urban to Suburban Migration; Voluntary Desegregation; Whites
AbstractThis handbook was prepared to provide guidance and suggestions primarily for school officials who are developing a plan for school desegregation or who are trying to revise an existing plan. Indications of what has and has not worked in other districts are based on experts' recommendations, on case studies from other communities, and on the findings of a research project that examined school desegregation in 52 American cities. Chapter one describes some publications that can serve as practical guides to school desegregation. Chapter two examines the historical and legal context of school desegregation by reviewing early court cases and deseqregation policy standards that emerged from them, changes that have taken place in schools over the years, and the issues of white flight and metropolitan plans in connection with desegregation. Chapter three deals with strategies and techniques, and reviews findings from experience and research of practices which yield the best results. Chapter four discusses issues and problems involved in busing. Chapter five considers the public leadership role in school desegregation. A concluding chapter summarizes the handbook. Appendices include some guiding principles for desegregation planners, a directory of desegregation assistance centers, and information on how to locate court decisions. (Author/MJL)
AnmerkungenBureau of Government Research, University of Oklahoma, Norman, OK 73019 ($7.00, 20 percent discount for 10 or more).
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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