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Autor/inWatson, John S.
InstitutionDelaware State Dept. of Public Instruction, Dover.
TitelAn Inventory of ESEA Title III Projects, FY 1974 [Delaware].
Quelle(1974), (53 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterDemonstration Programs; Educational Improvement; Educational Innovation; Educational Programs; Federal Aid; Federal Programs; Information Dissemination; Instructional Improvement; Program Development; Program Effectiveness; Program Evaluation; Program Improvement; Delaware
AbstractForty-eight projects funded by the Elementary and Secondary Education Act Title III, and providing the funds to public school districts to demonstrate the feasibility of educational innovations, are the focus of this inventory of ESEA Title III projects for the State of Delaware, fiscal year 1974. Sixteen operating projects are described in Part I of this document, in terms of target population, objectives, activities, and findings up to date. Information pertaining to personnel, organization, target groups, and funding, along with narratives of program highlights and photos, are also provided. Part II describes two U.S. Office of Education funded projects said to hold promise for making a substantial contribution to the solution of critical educational problems. Thirteen projects terminated in fiscal year 1973 are described and accompanied by evaluation findings in Part III. Part III also includes nineteen projects terminated prior to fiscal 1973 depicted in an information-chart form. A Project Index (by subject) along with a map of project sites and an on-site visitation form are included. Five school districts, recipients of special honors and awards on a national level, are listed with their project title, director, and awards. (AM)
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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